
Fairmont places third in Day 1 of Section 3AA meet

BUFFALO LAKE — Fairmont placed third out of 15 teams in Day 1 on Wednesday of the Section 3AA Girls Golf Tournament and will advance as a team to Day 2 next Wednesday.

Minnewaska Area took first with a 333 and advances as a team along with Redwood Valley (392), New London-Spicer (396), Fairmont (404) and Marshall (407). MVL scored a 429, while New Ulm scored 442.

Redwood Valley’s Mila Jenniges and Kimball Area’s Mavery Maus tied for first in the meet with a 78. Brynn Gustafson led the Cardinals with a 12th-place tie, scoring a 95, while Katherine Zelaya tied for 22nd (99), Leslie Zarling tied for 25th (101) and Joslyn Meyer tied for 41st (109).

Day 2 will continue Wednesday at Oakdale Golf Club.


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