
Council talks tax abatement

SHERBURN — The Sherburn City Council met on Monday evening and discussed the tax abatement policy it may approve. Administrator, Leslie Heffele, reported that she had investigated nearby cities that have a policy in effect and consulted with the city attorney. He thought the policy example she had was doable. The tax abatement policy would need the city resident to pay the normal taxes and the City would rebate part of the amount paid. The amount would be about 10 percent of the tax capacity or $200,000 whichever was larger. The City would have to bond for the payments. There would be a public hearing for each application, then the council would either approve or deny the application. Abatement amount would be on the difference between the land value and the value of the property after improvements. The council had questions that need to be investigated and they decided to table approval until the questions were all clear. The policy would need a resolution also and the administrator would frame one for the next meeting in October.

In other business, there was a request to vacate a street in Sherburn which is the east end of First Street. Only the nursery has been using this minimum maintenance road which is one block long. City employees showed the council the area with maps of sewer, etc. The council tabled this decision too and instructed the administrator to contact the County Courthouse to see if there are any easements on the property.

The Administrator’s report included the mailing of the emerald ash borer information notice on Sept. 14. She has contacted the South Central Service Coop about health insurance for any City employee. The Mayor reported that the application for the emerald

ash borer money ($274,000+) for Sherburn was sent. The next application is to be sent in early October. One is for removal and one is for replacement of affected trees in the City.

Police Chief, Trevor Yochim, discussed the police report which the council received. The Council asked about Montgomery Auto’s abandoned items on the property. The Chief reported that several items had been removed and that they were slowly moving items out of their property. Some other abandoned properties were discussed. The vandalism investigation proved fruitful and the perpetrator has been identified, but is a juvenile. The charges are first-degree damage and second-degree burglary. Thousands of dollars in damage were done. The matter now goes to the court.

The Chief explained some of the homecoming plans for the department. The council asked if there was a plan by the department or school to clean up the toilet paper on Main Street,

County Road 26 and I-90 which is blowing all over and across the road. The Chief said he would look into that.

The City Works employee reported on some progress for the wastewater plant and some other projects. He reported that the ‘Watch for Children’ signs were up and 13 stop signs had been repaired or replaced.

The council was reminded that there will be a public tax assessment hearing at 5:30 p.m. on Sept. 25 at the city hall for those affected by the street projects of Osborne, Lynn, South Main and Cargill Streets this past year.

The next meeting of the Sherburn City Council is scheduled for 5 p.m. on Oct. 2, at Sherburn City Hall.


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