

Daily Horoscope

ARIES (March 21-April 19). The urge to complain is a natural reaction to frustrating circumstances, though the mature response is to move past words and into solutions and action. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You need to include more people, and you’ll probably add them before realizing you ...

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: What do you do about embarrassing memories that pop into your head and make you want to crawl in a hole? It seems to keep happening to me lately. I’ll be washing my hair in the shower, or trying to drift off to sleep at night, when, suddenly, I remember a humiliating event ...

Yes, meet rioters with force

Restoring order to America’s cities isn’t a complicated proposition. All it requires is resources and determination, and a firm rejection of the longstanding progressive fallacy that an overwhelming police presence is “provocative” and “escalatory” and must be avoided. As has ...

Power of self-control

I come here not to condemn Amy Cooper, the white woman who called police and falsely claimed that an African American man named Christian Cooper was attacking her, but rather to praise Christian Cooper, who had done nothing more than ask her to leash her dog. The confrontation happened in New ...

Daily Horoscope

ARIES (March 21-April 19). It’s not only hurt people who hurt people. It’s kind and loving people, well-meaning people, people with the best interests of others at heart. Humans are imperfect. Love is an endless act of forgiveness. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Today’s situation is sweet, ...

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I work with a woman who, for some reason, is absolutely desperate to hoard all the work, all day, every day. “Geri” answers the phone on a half a ring. If something comes out of the fax, then she will run to get it before anyone else can. If you tell her that you’re handling ...