
Bowers powers Jaguars by Cardinals in volleyball

HAMMER TIME — Martin Luther/Granada-Huntley-East Chain/Truman’s Londyn Bowers (purple jersey) drills a spike at Fairmont’s Grace Pendergast (5) as the Cardinals’ Nevaeh Rahm (22) assists on the block during non-league volleyball action Tuesday night in Truman. Fairmont’s Brylee Miller (1) looks on. (Photo by Greg Abel)

TRUMAN — Londyn Bowers, Ashley Singleton and Brianna Petrowiak combined to help the Martin Luther/Granada-Huntley-East Chain Jaguar volleyball lineup ‘dig up’ a three-game volleyball sweep over the Fairmont Cardinals on Tuesday night.

Bowers recorded a match-best 16 digs to complement drilling a match-high dozen kills, Singleton delivered 13 digs, while Brianna Petrowiak chipped in 12 scoops to go with five kills to pace the Jaguars’ 25-23, 25-15, 25-20 nonconference triumph over the Cardinals in a battle of Martin County foes in Truman.

“Defense was the name of the game,” said Jaguars’ head coach TJ Williams. “I don’t know where that level of defensive intensity has been all season, but if we play like that, we can compete with anyone in the playoffs.”

Trailing 5-4 early in Game 1, the Jaguars capitalized on an errant Cardinals’ serve as Madisen Lewis connected on three consecutive points from the end line to swing the momentum to the home team. Bethany Petrowiak smacked two of her eight kills off back-to-back set assists from Lindsey Diegnau to trigger the mini-run.

Brylee Miller, who topped Fairmont with nine kills, and Meredith Nemmers continued to exchange frontline firepower with Bowers and Brianna Petrowiak as the two rival teams battled nip-and-tuck down the stretch, with the Jaguars scratching out a 23-22 lead.

Bowers displayed her pogo-stick vertical leap and quick-twitch spiking skills by unleashing a cross-court sizzler for a clutch sideout kill off one of Keira Benck’s team-high 15 set assists for a 24-22 edge.

Miller answered the challenge by converting Leslie Zarling’s lofted set for a cross-court winner, but a Fairmont passing error allowed the Jaguars to claim Game 1 by a 25-23 score.

Miller, Ellie Ortega and Nemmers combined to keep the Cardinals close on the scoreboard in Game 2 before Williams inserted Lillah Hubbard into the service rotation at 6-all.

Hubbard reeled off six straight points to swing the momentum in the Jaguars’ direction at 12-6. Bethany Petrowiak rejected two of her five blocks and Bowers cashed in digs by Hubbard and Benck to widen the gap on the scoreboard.

Eisley Emmert’s cross-court drive and Singleton’s ensuing service ace inched the purple-and-white to a 24-14 lead in the middle contest before Miller countered with a kill for the Cardinals. Lewis’ ace tip off a Benck assist closed out the 10-point Game 2 win for the Jaguars.

Diegnau then delivered a pivotal 6-0 run from the leadoff position in the service rotation in Game 3 to seize the momentum for good for the hometown lineup.

Bowers jackhammered a pair of kills from Benck set-ups, while Diegnau notched three aces during the scoring surge.

Danika Eisenmenger and Ortega contributed spike-winners to the Cardinals’ performance, but the visitors on the scoreboard could not get closer than three at 21-18. Grace Pendergast, who doled out seven set assists, and Eisenmenger combined at the line for five service tallies, but Benck would have the last word in the match. Benck lined a serve that clipped the net, spun over and dropped to the floor untouched for the match-sealing point.

Ortega chipped in four kills and six set assists for the Cardinals, while Nemmers nailed six kills.

Fairmont (4-18) awaits the outcome of the seeding meeting for the Section 3AA playoffs that start on Friday, Oct. 27.

Martin Luther/Granada-Huntley-East Chain/Truman (9-18) travels to Madelia for its opening Section 2A playoff clash at 7 p.m. Monday night. The Jaguars netted the No. 5 seed in the postseason tournament, while the Blackhawks pocketed the No. 4 seed.


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