
People and Events

East Chain church plans coffee party

East Chain United Methodist Church will host its monthly community coffee party from 8:30-11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, at the church in East Chain. They will serve rolls, donuts, coffee, tea and juice. Free will offering. Come enjoy some community fellowship. Everyone is welcome.

Red Rock to hold Saturday kids event

Red Rock Center for the Arts will host KIDCASSO, an open art studio experience for children, toddlers to elementary age, from 9-11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, at 222 E. Blue Earth Ave. in Fairmont. Enjoy “Back to School” themed arts and crafts. Just $5 per artist. Come and call as you wish. Ages, six and under, must be accompanied by an adult. They want you to realize. Registration appreciated, walk-ins are welcome. To register or for questions, call (507) 235-9262 or go to www.redrockcenter.org.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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