
People and Events

Memorial Day program Monday in Fairmont

Memorial Day program in Fairmont will be held Monday, May 27. Ceremonies will begin with flag raising by the Sons of American Legion at 9:30 a.m. at Veteran’s Park between East 2nd St. and East 3rd St. in Fairmont. After that, a parade will leave Veteran’s Park and travel north on North Prairie Ave. to Winnebago Ave, and will end at the Martin County Veterans Memorial, 507 Winnebago Ave. To honor all servicemen and women who gave their lives in present and past wars, events at the memorial site include posting of colors, raising of the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem, invocation, placing of the wreath, ringing of ship bell, rifle salute, playing of Taps, etc. Guest speaker is Col. Rhonda McCulley (Retired). Arrangements for the parade and program are by American Legion Post 36 and Auxiliary Unit 36, MC Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1222 and the Girl Scouts. Music by Fairmont High School Band led by director, Kate Kallenbach.

Red Rock to host Memorial Day picnic Monday

Red Rock Center will host their annual Memorial Day Community Picnic from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, May 27. Hot sandwiches or hotdog lunch is available and lots of fun activities for the kids to do. There is a charge. Veterans eat free.

College News

Joshua Bergt and Jacob Taylor, both of Fairmont, were named to the honors list for the fall semester at Concordia University, Nebraska in Seward, Neb.


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