
People and Events

Service Club to hold meeting Tuesday

Fairmont Service Club will meet noon Tuesday at the Best Western Hotel in Fairmont. The program this week will feature Zach Gerhardt, who will talk about the Fairmont Raceway. The public is always welcome to join club members for these programs. For more information, please call president, Don Richards at (507) 236-3161.

MLHS plans Step Up Day Friday

All 5th and 6th grade students are invited to Step Up Day from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday at Martin Luther High School in Northrop. MLHS students will provide fun brain busting class sessions and present a ÔGot TalentÕ variety show. A free lunch from Subway will be provided. Visitors are asked to please RSVP as soon as possible by calling the MLHS office at (507) 436-5249.

Announcements for People and Events must be submitted by noon the day prior to publication. Type or neatly write submissions and mail them to P.O. Box 681. Fax to (507) 235-3718 or email news@fairmontsentinel.com. Announcements also can be submitted via our virtual newsroom: www.fairmontsentinel.com. A name and telephone number of someone to contact must be included in case the Sentinel needs more information.


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