
People & Events

First Congregational to hold meal tonight

To help celebrate Fairmont Glows Parade activities, a hot soup and sandwich supper will be served 5 p.m. tonight at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 319 Downtown Plaza, Fairmont. The menu includes chicken sandwiches, taco soup or vegetable soup, bars, and beverage. Suggested price for the meal is $8 for adults and $4 for children, 10 and under. They also will offer free coffee and hot apple cider. Proceeds will benefit church ministries. Everyone is welcome.

Goldfinch plans vendor fair event Saturday

Goldfinch Estates will hold a vendor fair and bake sale from 2-4 p.m. Saturday. It also will serve pumpkin pie in the dining room for a donation. The public is invited.

Class of 1966 to meet

Fairmont High School class of 1966, spouses and friends will meet for lunch 11:30 a.m. Monday at the Pizza Ranch, Fairmont.

Youth wresting kickoff night Monday

There will be a parent information and kickoff night for Red Bulls youth wrestling (wrestlers of all ages) at 6 p.m. Monday in the gym at Martin County West Elementary School in Sherburn. The instructor for the program is Adam Williamson, head wrestling coach. The program is designed to help develop wrestlers’ skills and prepare them for future success in their respective school wrestling programs. The fee is $40 for single or $70 for a family. Practices will be held Mondays and Thursdays beginning Nov. 27 through Feb. 15. Four-year olds to second grade will practice from 6-6:45 p.m., while practice for those in grades 3-6 will be held 6:45-8 p.m. Monday practices will be held at MCW Elementary School in Sherburn while Thursday practices will be in the north gym at Fairmont Jr./Sr. High School. (Please use team entrance door.) For more information, contact CER at (507) 235-3141.

Valley Quilters plan to meet

Blue Earth Valley Quilters will meet 7 p.m. Monday in the Blue Earth Area High School choir room. Enter through door “V” on the south side of the building. Tracy Peterson and Jan Shaffer will present a panel discussion on how to best prepare your quilt for your machine quilter. Anyone interested in this quilting group may attend. For more information, contact Mike Ellingsen at (507) 526-5808.


Announcements for People and Events must be submitted by noon the day prior to publication. Type or neatly write submissions and mail them to P.O. Box 681. Fax to (507) 235-3718 or email news@fairmontsentinel.com. Announcements also can be submitted via our virtual newsroom: www.fairmontsentinel.com. A name and telephone number of someone to contact must be included in case the Sentinel needs more information.


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