
Cardinals down Wolverines in 2AA playoff opener

FAIRMONT — The fourth-seeded Fairmont Cardinals held off the 13th-seeded Sibley East Wolverines 7-4 on Wednesday in the first round of the Section 2AA Softball Tournament.

The Cardinals (11-10) now move on in double-elimination play and host fifth-seeded LeSueur-Henderson at 5 p.m. Thursday.

Nevaeh Rahm led the Fairmont bats by going 3 for 3 with two homers and four RBIs.

The Cardinals scored first in the bottom of the first on a two-out solo homer by Rahm and went up 3-0 in the second on an error and an RBI single from Rahm. The Wolverines got four hits in the top of the third to tie the game at 3-all, but an RBI single by Ava Terfehr put the Cardinals back in front in the bottom of the inning.

After Sibley East tied it again in the fourth, Rahm powered her team in front for the second time of the game with a two-run homer to center. The Cardinals got an insurance run in the sixth when Maddy Landin drove in Makayla Lowry, who singled earlier.

Makayla Lowry, Landin and Gabby Leiding each singled twice for Fairmont. Aby Sundeen drew a pair of walks also for the Cardinals and scored two runs.

Fairmont starting pitcher Brylee Miller got the win in all seven innings, allowing three earned runs on eight hits and a walk


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