
Et Cetera…

Summer School

The Fairmont Elementary School is once again offering summer classes for students going into 1st through 7th grade. According to co-principal Michelle Rosen, three different schedules will allow families to work around vacations, camping, and vacation bible schools.

This is definitely the right way to go. The kids will benefit from keeping up with their studies, which should help them retain more of what they learned over the regular school year. In addition, those who may have struggled due to pandemic restrictions may be able to push ahead.

Pheasants Forever

It was good to hear that Pheasants Forever of Martin County is continuing its push to be involved with area children. That, coupled with a focus on family involvement, shows an overall desire to engage with entire communities.

From a classroom/outdoor pollinator plant program to youth pheasant hunts, Pheasants Forever is showing us all that conservation efforts and outdoor enjoyment is not just for a select few. We look forward to the upcoming banquet in August, as well as future endeavors.

Park Coordinator

Congratulations to Emily Lubenow for obtaining her position as the Parks Playground Coordinator for Fairmont CER. Lubenow is a 2018 graduate of Fairmont High School and completed a summer internship with CER through the Minnesota Valley Action Council last year. Another testament to Martin County’s summer internship program, Lubenow has distinguished herself through her hard work and dedication.

Lubenow can now encourage future generations through her work, and in her own words she is helping “kids to get out of the house and make interactions with new friends.” This will undoubtedly build happy memories and an appreciation for the community as a whole.

CREST Services

Kudos to everyone involved with CREST for getting their services back up and running. The volunteer organization offers several different support groups, including general caregiver support, Alzheimer’s/Dementia, Parkinson’s, and low vision. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the support group meetings stopped taking place. We agree with Director Joyce Peterson, who stated that socialization is very important.

In addition to returning programs, CREST is also starting some new ones. We look forward to hearing more about CREST’s efforts in the future.


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