
Supreme Court picks remain important issue

President Trump is preparing to release a list of potential Supreme Court nominees should he have the opportunity to name more justices in a second term. It is not a new move for the president, who did something similar in 2016, but it remains important.

Trump’s opponent, Democrat Joe Biden, has made a promise to nominate a Black woman to the high court if he is elected. We assume Biden means someone who meets his criteria and is qualified. Identity politics might be big in the Democratic Party. They should not matter on the high court.

In any case, we have to assume Trump’s possible picks will be criticized as potential threats to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. We actually doubt that ruling is in any jeopardy, as the court — led by conservatives for quite some time — has not taken action to overturn Roe.

What is important to know about Trump’s picks versus Biden’s picks centers on several other key issues, such as gun rights, economic freedom and whether the federal government faces any ultimate limits on its power. People who value gun ownership, who support economic liberty and who want government held in check should know that Biden’s picks are not likely to share their views.

There will be many factors that go into how people make up their minds about who to vote for this fall. Supreme Court nominees are just one, but it is no small matter, and worth remembering.


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