
Public schools should be philosophically neutral

People who live in the Fairmont area know that the educators who work around here, and the schools where they work, are focused — appropriately — on quality education for young people. Nothing is perfect at any school, but the people involved are striving to do their best. We appreciate the hard work and commitment we have witnessed at both the public and parochial schools.

Now, let’s take a step back, to where there is an apparent national controversy brewing in regard to Christian schools. Some love them for their caring and values. Others do not, seeing indoctrination that misrepresents science and history, as well as intolerance. In a recent article by the Associated Press, a University of North Florida professor was quoted as saying, “These schools are front and center in the politicization of knowledge and that’s problematic.”

Really? The problem we see is intolerance on the part of those who back “secular norms” and a whole host of political ideas that are pushed on children at public schools. Such as emphasizing multiculturalism, environmentalism, political correctness and a shift away from traditional knowledge and values. It can be argued that the result has been a cultural demise.

Parents who send their child to a Christian school expect that child to learn certain concepts the family finds important. Parents who send their child to a public school should expect no — zero — indoctrination of any kind. Because public schools are government funded, they should be philosophically neutral. While they can and should introduce students to the wide range of ideas in the world, public schools (i.e. their representatives) should not be taking sides. On religion, or politics, or cultural phenomena, or anything else involving personal choices or values.


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