
Readers’ Views

MCW Students View on School Referendum

To the editor:

I’m sure we have all heard about the MCW school referendum. We have heard the opinions from the Vote Yes group and the Vote No group. Many of us have our strong opinions or perspectives why they lean a certain way, but we have one more group that we have heard nothing from. That group of people are the students. Not once have I heard someone say, “Well, what do the students think? What is their opinion?”. Everyone tells these kids that their voice matters all of their lives, but we haven’t taken the time to listen to what they have to say about the very thing that will affect their everyday life. A form was sent to some students, by MCW alumni Kadyn Owens, to get their words. (With limited space we couldn’t have everyone’s answers, go check out Facebook to see the whole thing).

Emily, MCW student since kindergarten

Q: What are issues in the school that need to be fixed?

A: There is mold on the floors, the locker rooms are falling apart, the bathrooms smell like sewage, the bathrooms locks are falling off, the ceiling has water stains, something in the kitchen broke to make the whole school smell, the tiles around the pool are coming up, it’s always freezing in all the classrooms.

Eli, MCW student for 3 years

Q: What are you excited about with the new school?

A: For the future of Martin County, and to grow our district. I want my siblings, and eventually my children, to go here, and if it doesn’t go through then they won’t have a chance to go.

Anonymous, MCW student since kindergarten

Q: Why do you want this change to happen?

A: I wouldn’t be around to see it, but it would be nice because they could hold more events and it would also be very nice to have a nice school at the same school my parents had, and even my grandparents.

Maddison, MCW student since preschool

Q: What are you excited about with the new school?

A: More space, a lunchroom that is bigger and better, bigger classrooms, bigger hallways, a better gym, a track, happier students who want to go to school. A better learning opportunity, no mold growing everywhere and heat.

Katie, MCW student from preK-2nd and 7th-current

Q: Why do you want this change to happen?

A: I want the experience for future MCW students to be even better than mine. I want future students to have adequate resources and materials that engage and excel their learning, which includes a building that is properly maintained. I know the referendum is a financial burden, but my family owns farmland in Martin County, and supports the future of MCW students because we care about our entire community.

Mylee, MCW student since preschool

Q: What are you excited about with the new school?

A :I’m excited about the new school because I feel there is a lot of opportunities for a better learning environment for generations to come.

Hannah, MCW student since preschool

Q: What are things that need to be fixed in the school?

A: About everything- there is black mold in closets, water fountains falling apart, ceiling damage, leaking roof, etc.

Giana, MCW student since preschool

Q: Why do you want this change to happen?

A: It could benefit the students, and school. By getting a better and nicer school it would attract more students and more teachers.

Lillie, MCW student for 9 years

Q: What are you excited about with the new school?

A: I think it would overall be nice to be able to tell people where I go to school and not feel ashamed about our school being gross.

Isabella, MCW student since kindergarten

Q: Why do you want this change to happen?

A: Our school could close, new generations will need it if we want to keep this school, the price for it will continue to rise if we don’t do it now.

These issues are not slight ones at that. They do impact the learning and development of the future to our county, state, country, and world. These kids need to know that their community believes in them, and what changes they can do. These students want to be proud of their school, but it truly is a joke to other schools because of how poor the condition is. I ask, please take these kids’ futures into account when you vote. I fully believe these kids will make a fantastic difference and it will help grow our community. Think of the difference it can give to our county… more students, more families, and more customers. Vote for MCW students.

Kadyn Owens,

MCW alumni


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