
Readers’ Views

Consider helping for Kids Against Hunger

To the Editor:

This year has flown by. It’s again time to count our own blessings and share our time and talents for 2+ hours of action-packed, awesome fun-filled day to pack food for Kids Against Hunger.

What is Kids Against Hunger? It’s an opportunity for volunteering 2+ hours of your time out of an entire year to help feed the world. What an impact your time can make in helping and feeding people you’ve never met.

How can you help? We take monetary donations from businesses, individuals, organizations, as well as individual’s time and talents for the day to put together nutritious packages of food for local food shelves and around the world. The variety of donations is used for the food content, packaging and shipping.

There will be a youth concert on Feb. 1, 2023, at the Fairmont High School as a fundraising event for Kids Against Hunger. Please come see the kids show off their talents to make a difference for the world. There will be root beer floats and tee-shirt sales at this event after the show.

You can choose your own team of family, church friends, or co-workers, and make it a fun day or make it a competition. Let the laughter begin. Would you please consider pulling together as a team and come and have a spirited fun-filled day of laughter and camaraderie in order to make an impact worldwide.

It will be held Saturday, Feb. 18, 2023, at the Fairmont National Guard Armory. To sign up a team or an individual, contact Karen Sandhurst at (507) 848-1260 or the website http://kahfairmontmn.weebly.com, or mail a tax-deductible contribution to Sue Homan at 921 Hengen St., Fairmont, MN 56031 and make checks payable to KIDS AGAINST HUNGER. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” Matthew 25:35. A huge thank you for considering to help. Hope to see you there.

Paula Bulfer and Kateri Wellman



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