
Readers’ Views

Poor way to start

To the Editor:

Those of us who were hoping that our local political races might be spared the bluster and pomposity likely to be seen in this fall’s presidential campaign were likely left quite disappointed after reading their Sentinel on May 17. I read Mr. Huntley’s May 17 letter to the editor with much chagrin.

Huntley, the recently nominated DFL candidate for Minnesota House of Representatives District 23A, sure has a lot to learn. I took notable offense to his assertion that Republicans in this state don’t care, or in his words, “give a damn” about Minnesota’s future. What a ridiculous comment that betrays Mr. Huntley’s view of the world. If you don’t agree with the way he thinks things should go, well, then you must not care.

I’ve worked at the Legislature, and while both parties often don’t agree, you can plainly see that only the most marginalized and ineffective elected officials believe the other side has ill will for the future of this state.

Our current representative, Bob Gunther, is much admired and respected on both sides of the political aisle precisely because he understands this fact. Whether Mr. Huntley likes it or not, people who don’t agree with his spending or policy priorities aren’t an enemy who is wrong. They are fellow Minnesotans who happen to have a different opinion, and if he looks around the district, he’ll find an awful lot of folks that consider themselves Republicans.

I can’t imagine why somebody would want to start their campaign insulting over half the electorate he hopes to represent. Perhaps it’s a symptom of his total lack of experience or qualifications for the office he seeks. Either way, I hope that Mr. Huntley can find a way to navigate disagreements about policy without casting aspersions on the intent of those with different viewpoints.

Michael Edman


What a ‘D’ stands for

To the Editor:

The Democrat elites have a real problem on their hands. They’re backing Hillary Clinton for the office of POTUS and will likely have to use their “super delegates” to overcome the challenge from Senator Sanders.

As the comedy opens, Hillary, known as the Queen of Hypocrisy, is on the campaign trail claiming she’s always been for women’s rights, which, as anyone the least bit familiar with her past is vividly aware, is quite the opposite of her actions in numerous instances.

As ludicrous as it may be, while Hillary is talking women’s rights on the campaign trail, Obama, behind the curtains like the Wizard of Oz, is canceling the basic human rights of all females to privacy in restrooms, dressing rooms and eventually anywhere else that privacy may be desired with his nonsensical “transgender edicts.” Under those directives, which Hillary, despite “caring” about women’s rights, has promised to follow when in office, any male claiming transgender status can freely use the facilities (restrooms, locker rooms, showers and the like) normally reserved for females.

Obama is first coercing public schools into this idiocy (using our children and tax funds as leverage to force compliance with the corrupt social engineering agenda of the emperor) by threatening lawsuits and withdrawal of funds from schools taht do not, or need not, for lack of any problem, comply with his irrational desires.

Instead of trying to address (or rather perhaps trying to divert attention from) the terrible blunders, coverups, crimes, cronyism, incompetence and criminal acts that have become the hallmarks of the Obama regime, he and Hillary are doubling down on their insanity by throwing the traditional basic rights of 100 percent of the female population under the bus of “transgender rights.” As one writer observed concerning vast differences in presidential aspirations, “JFK wanted a man on the moon; Obama wants a man in the women’s restroom.”

Voters should remember to “thank” all Democrat office-seekers for their support of this action in November by keeping them out of public office. The Democrat elites currently in public office continue to prove that micro-managing the lives of people is their real agenda and, as usual, are further proving themselves to be egregiously insensitive to, and offensive to the sensibilities, welfare, values and ideals of the American people.

With this latest demonstration of disconnected irrationality from the left, voters in November could very well reasonably question whether the (D) by a person’s name on the ballot denotes “Democrat,” “Demented” or “Disconnected” or more than likely, a combination thereof. In any event, judging by the actions and failures of many of the “D’s” in office, it certainly doesn’t appear to denote anything even akin to “Desirable.”

Harold King


Thank you, KCs

To the Editor:

Fairmont Area “Let’s Go Fishing with Seniors” board of directors and volunteers extend a huge thank you to the Knights of Columbus for sponsoring, preparing and serving the breakfast to benefit the Fairmont Area Chapter of LGFWS.

The support over the past nine years has been overwhelming. We are so blessed to have such generous organizations, businesses and individuals in Fairmont and the surrounding area. Without your support, we could not put smiles on the faces of people we take out fishing and boating.

Thanks again KCs for everything you do for non-profit organizations in the area.

Roger Voss

for Fairmont Area LGFWS

board of directors


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