
Follow the money

To the Editor:

An interesting scenario is in the offing concerning Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency. As they say in Washington, just follow the money.

One of Hillary’s problems is that she needs to avoid prosecution for the numerous felonies she allegedly committed with respect to her mishandling and destruction of public documents during and after the period she served as Secretary of State. In the unlikely event that Hillary is prosecuted by the Obama administration, then she’ll need a presidential pardon from Obama prior to the election. And therein lies the problem.

The obvious Clinton objective is to attain the presidency. The real goal, however, is the trillions of dollars that can be obtained by the Clinton Family Foundation working through its subordinate groups in various countries by using the power of the presidency to encourage “donations” to the CFF. This pay-to-play procedure worked extremely well during Hillary’s stint as Secretary of State, but there are bigger fish to fry.

For example, as president, Hillary can elect to “reconsider” her XL pipeline decision, provided of course that contributions to the Canadian Clinton Foundation affiliate are sufficient. At present, those “donations” and “speaker fees,” bundled and sent as a massive contribution to the U.S. Clinton Family Foundation, cannot be traced to individual donors, ostensibly because of Canadian law. The funds are then used tax-free for lavish vacations, paying the hangers-on and paying the “expert CFF accountants” who seem to lose track of hundreds of millions of dollars rather consistently and not surprisingly, always to the benefit of the Clintons.

Experts who have examined the CFF estimate that perhaps as much as 8 to 10 percent of the donations to date have been used for anything resembling charitable work. The remainder goes to enrich the Clintons.

Just follow the money. With Hillary in the White House and Bill at the CFF cash register with the drawer open, something big is going to happen and it will be spelled with a “B” if not with a “T” – as in trillions.

Harold King



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