Friday, November 24
8:29 a.m. — An animal complaint/bite was received in the 1400 block of North Prairie Avenue.
10:18 a.m. — An animal complaint/bite was investigated in the 1300 Adams Avenue. The complaint was cleared.
4:02 p.m. — A motor vehicle abandoned was investigated in the 700 block of North State Street. Assistance was rendered.
6:16 p.m. — Police investigated a disturb/disorderly/nuisance complaint in the 400 block of North Prairie Avenue. The complaint was resolved.
7:40 p.m. — Police responded to a civil complaint in the 400 block of North Prairie Avenue. The complaint was cleared.
Saturday, November 25
8:37 p.m. — Police received a complaint of disturb/disorderly/nuisance from the 400 block of North Prairie Avenue.
4:11 p.m. — An animal complaint/bite was received from the 900 block of Willow Street.
4:33 p.m. — An ordinance violation was reported from the 900 block of Willow Street.
6:55 p.m. — A civil complaint was investigated in the 900 block of East 1st Street. The complaint was resolved.
7:11 p.m. — Police investigated a motor vehicle accident-hit and run near Albion Avenue and Lakeview Street. A report was made.
Sunday, November 26
3:04 a.m. — Police investigated a complaint of music, loud/disturbing in the 400 block of East Blue Earth Avenue. A written report was made.
9:16 a.m. — Police assisted the ambulance in the 1200 block of North North Avenue.
12:16 p.m. — Police responded to a shoplifting complaint in the 1200 block of Goemann Road. A written report was made.
3:35 p.m. — Plice received a civil complaint from the 200 block of Lake Avenue.
5:25 p.m. — A motor vehicle theft was reported from the 400 block of Victoria Street.
5:28 p.m. — Police received a report of a suspicious circumstance in the 200 block of Sylvan Drive.
Friday, November 24
12:11 a.m. — An animal complaint/bite was investigated near 190th Street and 170th Avenue, Truman. Assistance was rendered.
1:49 p.m. — Police investigated a civil complaint in the 1200 block of North Prairie Avenue, Fairmont. Assistance was rendered.
3:07 p.m. — A civil complaint was received from the 100 block of South Center Street, Ceylon.
Saturday, November 25
8:04 a.m. — An animal complaint/bite was investigated in the 1000 block of 220th Street, Trimont. Assistance was rendered.
9:16 a.m. — A report of illegal dumping/garbage was investigated in the 1900 block of 210th Street, Truman. The complaint was cleared.
9:24 a.m. — An animal complaint/bite was received from the 900 block of 85th Street, Sherburn.
3:42 p.m. — Police assisted the fire department in the 400 block of 80th Street, Sherburn.
8:04 p.m. — Police investigated a report of a vehicle off road near 85 West I90, Sherburn. The vehicle was gone on arrival.
Sunday, November 26
6:42 p.m. — Police investigated a suspicious circumstance in the 1700 block of Quail Road, Trimont. A verbal warning was issued.
Saturday, November 25
4:42 p.m. — Police investigated a threats complaint in the 100 block of South Main Street, Sherburn. The complaint was cleared.