Helping Hands group plans toy drive
CEYLON — The Helping Hands of Ceylon non-profit group has been very busy. They have collected boxes at area businesses for their third annual Toy Drive. The forms for parents to sign up are at City Hall and Ceylon Post Office. These need to be filled out and returned by Dec. 20 or before. Parents will be able to pick out a present for their child(ren) on Dec. 21 from 10 a.m. to noon. Santa Day is in Ceylon for children from 2 to 4 p.m. on Dec. 21 at the old city hall across from the post office. This is open to the public and will have photos with Santa, juice, goodies, and treat bags. The Helping Hands of Ceylon and many sponsors are sponsoring this fun event for Ceylon area children.
The group assembled a Christmas tree on Main Street with the help of Larry Kling and served participants and others. Check it out. The Helping Hands group also received a grant to put up a Veterans Memorial at the City Park with flags and flowers. They are collecting donations to put up a stone memorial and that donation can be mailed to Box 202 in Ceylon or given to Chris Griffin or Barb Kronback.
Today, the Martin County Humane Society will hold a bake sale from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Fleet and Farm Store in Fairmont. Gluten-free items will be available.
A communion service will be at 5:30 p.m. tonight at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Ceylon. They also have a Bible Study at 9:30 a.m. every Tuesday. Area residents are welcome to join them at these events.
The Red Cross blood drive will be in Fairmont at the Best Western motel on Nov. 26 and 27 and they are scheduled for Dec. 2 at St. John Vianney in Fairmont and Sinn Family Celebration of Life in Trimont also on Dec. 2. Call the 800-RED-CROSS number (800-733-2767), go online at, or text ‘blood app’ to 90999 and make an appointment or get information about blood drives or donations. There is a drastic need for blood now so give if you are able.
Thanksgiving/Communion services at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Wilbert will be at 7:30 p.m. on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 27. Their partner church, St. John’s in Sherburn, will have a communion service at 6 p.m. The Circle of Faith parishes have not scheduled a Thanksgiving service.
St. Paul’s Lutheran LWML ladies group in Wilbert will be collecting money for the Heaven’s Table Food Shelf during Nov. The food shelf can purchase needed items in bulk or at a bargain rate so they are asking for donations of money. The LWML ladies’ group will have their annual Christmas Social at 1:30 p.m. on Dec. 12 at Wilbert Church with a salad luncheon and a Craft and Bake Sale table after the program.