MCW hears building principal reports
SHERBURN — The Martin County West (MCW) School Board met on Monday evening and Superintendent Cori Reynolds reported on enrollment and finance and reported that the employee evaluation was done in a closed session.
She also reported on the World’s Best Workforce public meeting. The points she emphasized were: content the coaches in math and reading and science; students will participate in out-of-school events; students in grades 7 to 12 will coordinate with Butterfield-Odin school (this was done last year too); there will be Introduction to Education classes available; and there will be an increase in the Equity in Literacy. The presentation is available on the school district website
The High School principal, Autumn Welcome, reported that the Veterans Day Program went well. The Maverick Christmas is underway with the FFA, this is American Education Week, and the school play will be performed at the Theatre this weekend. She explained the Mystery Clue at School event they had at the High School last week.
Michelle Baker, principal of Trimont Elementary School reported they had a Book Fair and that the students will be attending a matinee performance of the school play on Friday. The Read Act training was working out very well and quicker than expected.
In other action, the board:
— Approved donations from Minnesota Pork Producers of $600 for pork purchases; 3M of $6,500 for HVAC Class; 3M of $5,500 for robotics; Vote Yes for MCW for clothing to Sherburn and Trimont students; and Michelle and Tom Finke for 22 coats for Jr. High and High School students.
— Approved hiring Rick Wilson and Tony Nelson as Bus Drivers. It approved Tyler Wille and Zach Krumweide as assistant Boys Basketball Coaches. The board approved hiring Carter Wille, Doug Blue, Stuart Geldart, and Barry Kneeland as Girl’s Basketball Coaches. Additionally, it approved hiring Jenna Burmeister and Justin Thedens as assistant Gymnastics coaches.
— Approved revisions to the internal controls manual, one of which was that checks would be cut twice a month instead of weekly. It also approved the seniority list. The board listed the school, bus garage and ball field in Welcome as properties for sale and discussed stipulations for sale.
— Approved the policies update for the Tobacco Free Environment, School Medication Policy and procedure, Harassment and Violence Policy, Drug Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing, and Drug-free School and Workplace policies. It approved the Superintendent’s goals for 2024-2025, including non-certified Staff Evaluations, Budget and Building Project oversight, and Detailed Central Office job description. It approved an operations small group to hear an employment matter and report to the full School Board.
— Approved the audit report date for 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 4.
The board will meet for their next regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 16.