
Congratulations to area graduates

CEYLON — The month of May is quickly coming to an end. Monday is Memorial Day. There are Memorial Day programs in Welcome beginning 9 a.m. at the Welcome Legion Hall and Sherburn’s Memorial Day program is at 10:30 a.m. in the city park. Remember those who gave all to keep our country free. Thank you to those who served and are serving in the armed forces now. Freedom isn’t free.


Congratulations to high school graduates from the Ceylon area. MCW graduates Joseph Jensen, Nathan Munich and Tyler Strong; Fairmont graduates Ellie Plumhoff and Harley Fletcher; and Jackson graduate A.J. Peterson. If I did not find someone graduating high school from the Ceylon area, I am sorry and know our wish is for your best future.


There will be one more Tuesday coffee hour for May from 8:30-10 a.m. May 28 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Welcome. Join friends and neighbors for good fellowship along with coffee. Tuesday coffee hours for the month of June will be held each Tuesday at St. Luke’s Catholic Church in Sherburn.


There will be American Red Cross blood drives on June 4 and 5 at the Best Western Hotel in

Fairmont, on June 10 at the Regional Worship Center in Sherburn, on June 17 at the Truman

Community Building, and on June 21 at the American Legion, 300 Downtown Plaza in Fairmont. To make an appointment or find blood drives near you, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), go online at www.redcrossblood.org or text BLOODAPP to 90999. Blood is urgently needed so give if you are able. Thank you.


Lake Belt Bar and Grill has scheduled a high stakes Puzzle Race for 1:30 p.m. on June 22. Check the Facebook post for information and sign up your team to do a 1000 piece puzzle for prizes.


St. John’s Lutheran Church in Sherburn is sponsoring a bus trip from Aug. 18-24 to Kentucky to see the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum with lots of stops along the way at interesting spots. For more information or to sign up by July 15, contact the church office at (507) 764-5312 or email church@sjlsherburn.com or contact Mary Johnson at (507) 399-1424 or email johnsonmk1111@gmail.com.


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