
Council looks to make tree ordinance

WELCOME — Welcome City Council held its meeting on Tuesday evening. The council discussed the tree ordinance to be made. The clerk had a sample of an ordinance from another city. The clerk will make a sample and bring it to the next city council meeting. Concerning the trees which are ready to plant, city employees will track down a certified Arborist since one is needed with the grant that Welcome received. The council gave him several places to check. The council asked that each tree planted be mapped and the location and kind of tree be written. The clerk asked for half a day alone at the office to get all the paper work done for this grant. The council agreed.

Travis Winter, engineer for Bolton and Menk, reported on the beginning proposal for the street

improvement project for 2025. Most of the improvements are on the southwest side of town. He listed some streets the council suggested and what needs to be done. Water main and street improvements on Cleveland Street, Mill Street sewer line, sewers in alleys, near Quarterline and Welcome street improvements, catch basin near First Street, sewer line near Montgomery Street to First Street, and the infrastructure on the EDA property were mentioned. He is planning to bring back some ideas for upcoming council meetings.

The council had a public meeting concerning the housing facilities revenue note with a joint powers agreement with Vista Prairie at Goldfinch Estates with Ann Logan from Goldfinch explaining the reasons the loan was needed and what it was to be used for. She listed primary care and kitchen updates and a system to locate pendant owners. She said the staff ratio is good. Later the council brought up a resolution to authorize the issuing of the note and the council passed the resolution.

The city clerk asked about background checks for the five applicants for the clerk position.

Suggestions of reference checks, credit checks, BCA checks and police chief suggested police check. The clerk will do the checks.

Council reports continued with some questions about the shelter house at Keck Park and its

renovations. The payment must be when the work is done. The work is in progress. The council

asked the city employees to remove the raised garden beds. The council heard of some trimming accidents to flowers at the cemetery and reminded whoever did it to be careful.

The next meeting of the Welcome City Council is scheduled for 6 p.m. on June 4 at the city hall in Welcome.


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