
Sherburn talks truck funding

SHERBURN — The Sherburn City Council met on Monday and heard in the Administrator’s report that the finances to get a loan for the new fire truck will cost about $175,000.

Two options were brought to the table, a loan from the lease company or from the Rural Development program. The interest was a deciding factor in the council approving getting a loan from the Rural Development since their interest was 3 1/2 percent while the other interest was 5 percent. The ability to pay off the loan early if possible without a penalty and a payment of about $31,600 annually also swayed the council’s approval. A possibility of borrowing from the reserve account until approved for a loan was also mentioned but not acted upon.

The council also approved renewing the Gig Fire Tower agreement for communication at $2,500. The council approved a temporary liquor license to the Sherburn Fire Department for June 14, that is Summer Festival Days.

Deputy Clerk Andrea Ballard explained the institute training she attended all day every day for new clerks. This was the first year of the three-year program. She showed the council her large three ring binder and explained some of the items she learned that may be incorporated into her job as city clerk. The communicating of meeting dates to the community, budgeting concerns, tax laws, all the kinds of funds, consistency and knowing the difference between wants and needs of the City were some she mentioned. She thanked the council for sending her and appreciated the opportunity to learn more about city clerk matters.

The Ingage contract was discussed for the liquor store/Red Carpet with some options mentioned like going completely cash or going to cash and credit card with a processing fee of 3.99 percent or going to just a processing fee for less were discussed. The council tabled some of the new process so the council could look into the ramifications and to get the new manager, Jeff Silva, and the staff’s opinions. It approved renewing the current contract until that decision could be made with more information.

Derek Behrens, engineer from Bolton and Menk, discussed the update for the Highway 4 project. There were some water damages, more than they thought, some cleaning of storm sewers needed to be done also. The water shut-offs are on the residence instead of under the sidewalk which the ADA sidewalk rules will not allow. The lights are very expensive from River City Electric, the installation is going well. They have asked for an extension to the timeline of the downtown area to be opened.

Chief of Police, Trevor Yochim, reported a special program at the high school concerning safe driving went well. He mentioned that there will be a bike rodeo in Sherburn, Trimont and Welcome on June 9 for all ages. Parents are asked to accompany the children.

Council reports mentioned questions as to who is responsible for water problems and now the

shut-offs were answered that usually the resident is responsible.

Concerns about the right of ways with the new highway and sump pumps now should be discharged on to property and no longer into the storm sewer were also discussed.

The audit report scheduled for the next meeting and the possibility of Habitat for Humanity building and/or moving a house into Sherburn was mentioned.

The next meeting of the Sherburn City Council is scheduled for 5 p.m. on June 3 at the city hall in Sherburn.


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