
Memorial Day events planned

TRUMAN — Truman High School senior commencement begins 7 p.m. Friday evening, May 24. Congratulations to all the 2024 graduates. Great things await you as you are our future.

A Memorial Day breakfast will be held 6:30-9 a.m. Monday, May 27, at the Lewisville Legion. This is a free-will offering with proceeds benefiting youth and veterans program.

The Memorial Day program will be held 10 a.m. Monday, May 27, in the auditorium at the Truman High Schoo. The speaker is Tim Murray from Bravo Zulu House and music is by Mark Nass.

A lunch for a free-will donation will be served 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, May 27, in the cafeteria at the Truman School. This will benefit the Truman swimming pool. They will be serving pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, beans and salads. If you would like to donate a salad it would be appreciated. Please let Kirsten know at (507) 236-4436.

Please take at least a moment on this Memorial Day to remember with thanksgiving all who died in war. They fought to preserve the freedom we enjoy in America today. We dare not forget the price they paid. Attend a memorial service in your area.

The city has agreed to have fireworks for Truman’s 125th celebration in July 2024. The Truman Fire Department will be organizing and collecting funds to put on the display. If you would like to contribute to this, send your check to PO Box 398, and make checks out to Truman Fire Department Relief Association and on the memo line write fireworks. They will also have an account set up at Profinium bank if you prefer to deposit funds there. This change is necessary when writing checks for memorials, donations, contributions and events. There are no changes and how we operate or use the funds given to us. This helps clarify who the check is intended for by going for our full organizational name. Please remember that a donation can also be made as a Memorial. Please indicate if you want your donation to go as a memorial.

Last day of school for Truman students will be noon on Thursday, May 30. Enjoy your summer and be safe.

Happy 75th birthday to Gary Meyer on May 31. Birthday cards can be sent to Gary at 306 E. 5th St. N., Truman, MN 56088.

Watch for the information on SHIP Power of Produce program. Kids and adults over 60 will learn how to earn tokens. These tokens can be used at Truman’s Farmers Market held at Graf Park from 8-11 a.m. beginning June 15.

It’s that time of year again to host the 18th annual Truman Days 5K. Get more details and pre-register by June 24 to guarantee a t-shirt at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/truman-days-5k-2024-tickets-907277139347?aff-oddtdtcreator.


• Dad’s Belgian Waffles from 8-10:30 a.m. on June 15, at the Lewisville American Legion. Proceeds will benefit the Lewisville Ambulance.


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