
FEDA looks to partner for recruitment video

FAIRMONT– On Monday the Fairmont Economic Development Authority (FEDA) heard about a proposal to partner with Visit Fairmont on a community video which would promote Fairmont.

Economic Development Coordinator, Ned Koppen, said that he has been exploring the idea of a video as an attraction vehicle, however he didn’t feel that the full cost of the video–roughly $30,000– was in FEDA’s budget.

“But I thought if I found a partner it could work for… so I talked to Brittany (Hartman, Visit Fairmont Director) and she’s at least to this point on board and we’ve been exploring pretty aggressively moving down the road on this,” Koppen said.

He said that they have been looking at two different video companies and they both have received good feedback. Koppen asked the board to support him in moving forward with pursuing the project.

“I think it works from an EDA standpoint and from a tourism standpoint, as well,” Koppen said.

Hartman, who was present, said she thinks it’s a good way to showcase Fairmont and that the project would be big.

Koppen expanded on that and said he believed that a lot of communities Fairmont’s size would do something like this eventually and that be believed Fairmont could get on the front side of it.

Board Member Sarah Gerhard said she had watched a video done by one of the companies and that she felt it was long. She questioned whether it was something people would actually watch in full length.

Koppen said he believed a potential employer would watch a longer video if they were serious about coming to Fairmont.

Board member Chantill Kahler Royer asked if the video would be easily found by people. Koppen said the video could be embedded on the website or cut into smaller segments and posted on social media.

More information on the companies was asked for so Koppen spoke briefly about both and noted that they both carry a cost of $30,000 which would be shared equally between FEDA and Visit Fairmont.

“So compared to anything locally or anything we’ve seen or done, this is a much higher quality product?” asked Board Member Chris Pierce.

Koppen said he believed so. Board Member Brian Roggow said he thought the pricing was in line with what other companies offering a similar service provide.

The board approved the pursuit of a partnership on the video.

In other business, Koppen provided an update on the White Tail Ridge housing project. He said that

Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership has determined that it wants to move forward and build a few twin homes. He said the closing of the property sales will take place on Monday, May 20.

“They will own them and can break ground and start building. They’ve been in touch with zoning and building and getting things in place so I’m pretty excited about that,” Koppen said.

In concluding the meeting, Koppen said through work with The Retail Coach, a recruiting firm the board has been using to attract new businesses, there is a potential new business interested in coming to Fairmont. He said that a representative of The Retail Coach is planning on coming to give an in-person update at the June meeting.

In other action, the board:

— Approved a revolving loan fund for RT Entertainment, LLC.

— Approved membership with the Community Venture Network.


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