
MCW plans for next referendum

SHERBURN — The Martin County West School Board met Monday evening in the music room of the Sherburn Elementary School to accommodate a larger than usual audience. Nine people had requested a three minute time to address the school board.

Some of the points made by the presenters were: take time to communicate to the community that seems to have friction with open communication and discussion; vote for the children, don’t delay and kick the can down the road more, deficit spending will help the children in the long road, don’t delay, the prices will only increase; Retaliation has been done to those who speak up at board meetings, this is a bad time for more taxes, cut out the rumors and untruths spread with communications, school staff is not allowed to promote what they think the school wants or needs or can afford to students; a task force was proposed but not done, the farmers and businesses have to pay taxes and this is an election year so there will be no consistency, buildings are in good condition and there

was a bond 20 years ago to remodel the buildings which is due in 2035 for the buildings that are being torn down, the enrollment is decreasing and the community can not afford the new buildings; the school board has worked very hard and made sound investment decisions, they could make the message clearer and some aspects may be agreed upon, our parents were asked to make an investment and now it is our turn; the auditorium is a very important aspect of the new building,the community is behind the school district and the school board; last vote was a no vote, there should be a feasibility study, the school board meetings need to be posted better than they are, the May special election should be posted too, after the no vote in November a task force was needed, small town pride is high, try more open handedness and do it with Maverick Pride; we have brought ideas to the board but no one listened, there is enough tax in Sherburn and more are not needed, the teachers should not tell students what they should tell parents about new schools.

Some residents that wished to speak had not requested time and they were directed to request time for the next school board meeting on March 18.

Later, two school board members also gave their opinions saying; farmers are at risk and care should be taken to help lessen the tax load, remodeling is too expensive for what you get, MCW needs to change, low enrollment may be coming but not for some years, and we need something in the community for the future-an investment.

Later in the meeting the board approved three actions concerning the referendum proposed for the school buildings. The questions submitted to the MN Dept. of Education were for a cafetorium as part of the new school proposal for the $64.7 million school building project. Question two was changed to eliminate the auditorium and then would be 2 million. The board may add the auditorium in later years but not on this May’s referendum vote. The second action was to call a special election for May 14 to issue a general obligation bond. The third action was to approve an ad hoc committee for referendum communications.

The meeting continued with reports from the Superintendent and principals and CER Director. Superintendent Reynolds said the budget development has a goal of 23-25 percent budget cuts an hopes to do these cuts in a professional, humane and transparent manner. The CER will have two WSI staff in April. They will look for opportunities for the pool and thanked the Martin County Youth Foundation for the money for the summer youth drama program that will have a new company called Storytime doing the summer theatre.

In other business:

— The board accepted donations from the United Methodist Church of $160 worth of personal care items for the students at Trimont School building. Also $1,000 donated from the Sherburn Lions for training two water safety instructors with training in April, $2,000 from the Fox Lake Conservation Club for the drama department, $500 from Central Service Foundation and $500 from Land O’ Lakes, both for the FFA.

— The board accepted resignations from the custodian, Gerald Laue, and Ashley Olson, Human Resource Coordinator. Resignations from Transportation Director, Greg Wohlhuter, and two bus drivers, David Jones and James Lien, will be in effect at the end of the school year.

— Superintendent, Cory Reynolds, reported on the finances (56 percent of budget has been used) and enrollment which was 625 as of this February. She also reported on the final audit report which can be seen on the school district’s website which is www.martin.k12.mn.us.

— A senior student (Hartke) reported on the proposed senior class trip this spring from March 24-29 to Washington D.C. The board approved the trip. They hope to visit the White House, Arlington Cemetery, a play, historical venues and more.

— The state-mandated Earned Sick and Safe Leave agreements with the staff was approved to ensure everyone has paid time off for illness.

— The board also approved the Achievement and Integration Budget for $44,210. This would help the after school transportation and scholarships and speaker fees and the Student Leadership Program with Butterfield/Odin.

The next meeting of the MCW School Board will be 6:30 p.m. on March 18 in the board room at the Sherburn Elementary School.


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