
Welcome awarded grant for tree management

WELCOME — On Tuesday the Welcome City Council heard from Mayor Dan Schmidtke that Welcome has been awarded a state grant to remove and replace trees on City property in the amount of $100,000. Discussion about trees to plant and quotes for removal of standing trees will follow at future City meetings.

In other news, Township representatives and fire department representatives discussed the new Grass Rig Fire Truck needed by the fire department with the City Council. The township cited their low funds and asked when the truck would be purchased. The fire department would like the truck as soon as possible but knows the funds may not be available now. There is a grant and if the legislature opens some money the fire department and City will apply for the grant. All the concerned parties will need to be equally committed and also fund the project. The council thanked all those present for their commitment so far.

Fire Chief, Jay Mulso, also requested concrete for the fire hall and proposed some remodeling like removing the kitchen sink and cabinets to have storage room. He also proposed to move the washer to a more open spot and replace the very large water heater. Many things could be cleaned out of the fire hall Chief Mulso said. He will get quotes and ask for volunteers to do most of the work. There is a trailer to be used when the fire department does a grain bin rescue and the clerk proposed to send a letter to the state to explain that that is the only use for that trailer and there should be no sales tax on it. There is a trailer that the fire department and City will pay sales tax on which will be about $300 each. The council approved that payment.

In other news:

— The council discussed a proposal that Welcome Summer Festival activities be more centrally located and wondered why Keck Park was used so much. A downtown location would be easier for families to stay near each other.

— The City employee reported on the parts of town that were seal coated in the last few years and reported that the south part of town and Circle Drive were on the list for this year. The council discussed some streets that may need it and asked the City employee to get quotes, check for water lines and check on other streets.

— The Cemetery board asked if City workers could remove the rocks that were pushed into the circle when snow was pushed. The sweeper may be used to do that.

The next Welcome City Council meeting is planned for 6 p.m. on March 5, at Welcome City Hall.

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