Blood drive Tuesday in Lewisville
TRUMAN — Do you enjoy playing bridge? If you are interested, please contact Roxy at (507) 381-2415 for more information.
On Friday, Feb. 23, remember to wear blue to show your FFA pride on National Wear Blue Day. The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students and agriculture.
Happy anniversary to Arlen and Bonnie Bock on Feb. 26. Cards can reach them at 2313 150th Ave., Truman, MN 56088.
Happy birthday to Phyllis Garrison. Phyllis was born Feb. 27, 1931. Birthday greetings will reach her at 400 N. Ave. E., Truman, MN 56088.
Lewisville American Red Cross Ambulance blood drive is scheduled for 1-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27, at the Lewisville American Legion Post 561 located at 121 Lewis St. W. in Lewisville. Contact: or sign up using the Blood Donor app or give them a call at (507) 621-8589.
Please consider attending Trinity Lutheran Church to let the love of Christ fill you during this Holy Lenten season. The Holden Evening Prayer service begins 6:30 p.m., with a meal being served from 5:15-6:15 p.m.
St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church welcomes you to join them for their midweek Wednesday Lenten services at 7 p.m.
Happy birthday to Delores Pfeil on Wednesday, Feb. 28. Birthday greetings can be sent to Delores at 226 S. 7th Ave. E., Truman, MN 56088.
Students who apply for the Erma Rosen nursing scholarship must be in one of two full-time accredited nursing program: a four-year Bachelor of Science nursing program or a three-year accelerated Bachelor of Science nursing program. The applicant must be entering the last year of the accredited program. Preference is given to students who graduated from a high school in Martin, Faribault or Jackson Counties or the surrounding area. Additional information and application can be found on their website at Applications are due by April 15.
Students who apply for the Theresa C Smith Radiology Scholarship must be in their second year of school, full-time and preference is given to students who graduated from a high school in Martin, Faribault or Jackson counties or surrounding areas. Additionally, information and application can be found on their website at Questions on either of these scholarships can be directed to Kayla Caven at (507) 236-3397 or Application is due by April 15.
Happy Leap Year Day birthday to Karon Rhode. Karon would enjoy receiving birthday greetings sent to her at 202 N. Central Ave., Truman, MN 56088.