Veteran’s Day suppers planned
SHERBURN — Today there is a blood drive at the Martin County West High School from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will also be a blood drive in Truman on Nov. 20 from noon to 6 p.m. and from Nov. 28-30 at the Best Western in Fairmont. Call the 800 number at 800-733-2767 (800-red-cross) or go online at or text BLOODAPP to 90999 for further information or to make an appointment.
Area Legion Clubs are planning Veterans Day suppers. Trimont is at the Trimont Hall and Welcome is at the Legion Hall both at 6 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 11. Sherburn’s supper is at 6 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 12th. at Sherburn Legion Hall. All the suppers are for members of the Legion and Auxiliary for their respective towns by invitation. Remember Freedom isn’t Free. Thank you to area Veterans for your service to our country.
Sherburn Legion Hall will have their Steak Fry Night 5-8 p.m., Nov. 11. The menu includes your choice of Rib Eye, Shrimp or Smoked Pork Chop with salad bar and baked potato.
St. John’s Lutheran Church in Sherburn will have their annual Fall Dinner from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 12. The menu includes Pulled Pork Sandwiches, BBQ Sandwich, chips, various salads and various desserts and beverages. A free will donation will be collected
and up to $800 will go to support a seminary student. There will be supplemental funds available through Thrivent Financial Company.
The Sherburn Theatre will again feature the new movie “Killers of the Flower Moon” this weekend. On Friday (11-10) and Saturday(11-11). The showtimes will be 6 p.m. (note the change, because of the length of the movie). On Sunday the time will be 4 p.m. as usual. This is a movie about the Oklahoma Native Americans who were cheated out of their oil rights and profits. The Sherburn Theatre will also have the School Play Little Mermaid 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17-19 and Sunday performances at 2 p.m.
Sherburn Legion will meet 8 p.m., Nov. 14 at the Sherburn Legion Hall. All members are urged to attend.
There will be a Lunch-n-Learn program at 11 a.m., Nov. 15, at Trimont’s First Lutheran Church. These programs are free to anyone in Martin County but a donation for the lunch is appreciated. There will also be a Hamburger Night 5-8 p.m. that night (11-15) at the Sherburn Legion Hall.
There will be a Book Fair Nov. 9-16 at the Trimont MCW school. And 3:30-7:30 pm. on the 9th the Literacy Carnival will be held with food, games and literacy fun as part of the MCW Family Involvement Nights.
Upcoming events include: Ruby’s Pantry Grocery distribution on Nov. 20.
*The deadline to register your intent to decorate a tree for the Civic and Commerce Club Deck the Halls event on Dec. 1 and 2nd is November 29 at the Bank Midwest or the Sherburn Nursery.
*The deadline to apply for the Liquor Store/Red Carpet Store Manager position is November 10. Applications are at the City Hall in Sherburn.