
Vandalism continues at parks

ABOVE: Some of the vandalism done Wednesday night in the bathroom at Veterans Park in Fairmont.

FAIRMONT– Sometime Wednesday evening, the bathrooms at Veterans Park in Fairmont were once again vandalized. Unfortunately, vandalism in the city’s parks is nothing new but members of the Parks Department and Fairmont Police Department would like to shed light on the fact that it is happening.

Officer Dustin Schwebke said that while vandalism is consistent, it does ramp up in the summer months when the weather is warmer and more people are out.

Veterans Park has been hit the hardest and most often with vandalism, but Ward Park is often another target. Most of the time it’s not the general public finding it and reporting it, it’s members of the Parks Department.

“It’s more in the bathrooms or in the shelter house, where they can be hidden,” said Scott Becker, a Parks Department member.

As Schwebke pointed out, cameras can’t be put in bathrooms, which makes them a target for vandalism because people can often get away with it without getting caught. Cameras can be placed on the outside of the building, facing outward. That was tried at Ward Park a few summer ago.

“They found it and ripped it out,” said Eric Schaefer, another Parks Department member.

Sometimes the vandalism is in the form of graffiti, which proves to be time consuming because the Parks Department members will need to paint over it. However, there’s been arguably far worse vandalism done in recent years.

Last weekend at Veterans Park, toilet paper dispensers were ripped off the walls and had to be replaced. They ranged in cost from $50 to $60. Soap dispensers have also been ripped off the walls.

“At Ward Park someone dumped a 500 piece puzzle in the toilet. It’s just random stuff,” said Nick Lardy, Parks and Street Supervisor.

Recently, feces have been smeared with fingers over the walls inside the bathrooms and Parks Department members have to clean it up.

Speaking of this sort of vandalism, Schwebke said, “I don’t see an adult acting like that. It’s likely juveniles.”

Little can be done to combat the vandalism that’s happening at night in the bathrooms and shelter houses. Currently, bathrooms are kept open overnight. Parks Department members check them throughout the day, including when the park opens at 7 a.m.

The Fairmont Police Department also has officers patrol the parks both during the day and overnight.

Schwebke said on their end when they receive a report, they document it and we try to get a cost estimate so if they do find out who did it they can go after the perpetrator for restitution for the cost.

However, he said a lot of times it’s hard because it happens after hours and isn’t reported until the next day and if it happens on the weekend, it might not be reported for longer.

“It’s nice to have public restrooms, but how long can we continue to have an open bathroom if it keeps getting vandalized,” said Schwebke.

Schaefer pointed out that a pickleball court was recently put in at Veterans Park and that people will want to use the facilities while playing at the court.

“If you lock them up, people may be frustrated and need to drive home or to a gas station just to go to the bathroom,” said Schaefer.

Lardy said they’ve held off on contacting the media because they didn’t want to put it out there and give people recognition for the vandalism, but felt like it was to the point where the vandalism should be brought to the public’s attention.

He urged neighbors to keep watch together and contact the police department if they see something suspicious.

“The department puts a lot of effort into making the parks look nice for everyone who uses them. All it takes is a few rotten people to ruin it. It’s unfortunate. If it happens everyday we have to close the facility down which is unfortunate for those who use the park,” said Lardy.


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