
Review of school’s goals show progress

SHERBURN — Martin County West School Board held their November meeting Monday evening. Superintendent, Cory Reynolds, presented the World’s Best Workforce review of student data. The readiness results were higher than last year. The goals for the 2022-2023

school year were reviewed. Some of the goals were/are to add para-professionals to the kindergarten staff, hire a reading intervention teacher for third grade, implement the Kindergarten Readiness Camp, social emotional curriculum and math curriculum added. The third grade has shown an increase in growth of reading abilities. Some of the data had to do with diversification but the school district has less diverse population than some districts, like the metro districts. The largest protected group is the free or lower price lunch participants. Goals were to increase growth in various curriculum and that was met. The graduation rate was very close to 100 percent. The plans for summer school, college readiness and achievement and integration also have a part that would collaborate

with adjoining school districts.

The meeting began with approval of the consent agenda included hiring a para-professional for the elementary school in Sherburn, agreement with pool employees, approving seniority lists, hiring basketball coaches, and accepting donations from 3M, Trimont Farmers Market, and Walmart, for school programs and supplies.

Stephanie Wohlhuter presented some considerations for STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) programs which may help the students. They would increase the health and CSA skills. MCW is near the state adopted strands. The new ideas could be like a

student asking a question or coming up with an idea and then doing lab work to prove or disprove or improve on idea the student had. There would have to be a teacher rather than a para doing the educating and it would cost about $3,600 so grants and donations would be sought.

There was also a presentation by athletic director, Tom Elliot, about the advertisement available on the two new scoreboards at the Trimont school. This may generate revenue for the athletic department. Local businesses may have the opportunity to sign up online to be renewed annually. The average attendance is about 300 at the school sports events. He did research about other school district’s policies and feels this would be beneficial to MCW. Later in the regular meeting the proposed selling of advertisement on the scoreboards was approved by the board. The board also approved increasing the Capital Asset Threshhold from $1,000 to $5,000 as the accounting firm recommended. They approved establishing

combined polling places for multiple precincts and designating hours that they will be open for voting for school district elections if they are held on a day that is not a statewide election day.

The enrollment was reported at 650 for K-12 which was steady. The report from the company, ISG Facility Assessment Services, looking at all the facilities of the school district, will be reported to the public at a public meeting/special school board meeting at 5 p.m. on Dec. 8, at the high school.

The principals reported progress and special events at their schools. The CER Director also reported on classes listed in the newsletter. Two classes are filled (printmaking and mug making) and possibleadditional classes are being looked into. The CPR/AED class has not started since there is no equipment available now. They are trying to get that started. The preschool was awarded the highest possible rating from the parents choice awards.

The next regular school board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Dec. 19.


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