
Christmas social next week

CEYLON — Christmas parties are scheduled. Pastor Reimers will have an open house Christmas celebration from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 5, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Wilbert to celebrate and thank the dual congregations of St. Paul’s in Wilbert and Our

Savior’s in Ceylon.

The ladies group at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Sherburn will meet for a guest day at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Karis Hagen will be the speaker.

The LWML group at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Wilbert will have their Christmas social at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 9, with a short program, lunch and a craft and bake sale table fundraiser for missions.

Coffee Lovers group meets 8:30-10 a.m. every Thursday in the back room of Legends ll in Ceylon. Area residents are welcome to join them for good coffee and conversation.

Condolences are sent to family members of Lester McIalwain and Russell Rosenberg, both former residents of Ceylon. They will be missed.

Next weekend, the Ceylon Fire Department Relief Association will have a pancake brunch from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Dec. 12. Plan now to attend.

City of Ceylon will have a lighting contest and judging will be Dec. 18 by an anonymous judge. The first prize will be a $75 credit on their utility bill, second prize will be a $50 utility bill credit, and third prize will be a $ 25 utility bill credit. There will also be 5 honorable mention prizes of a $10 credit. Thank you to all the residents that

decorate for the Christmas holidays. And, thank you to the City of Ceylon for providing rewards for the decorating.


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