
New recipients selected for ‘4 Under 40’

Above: Four Martin County individuals have been recognized as this year’s recipients of ‘4 under 40.’ Clockwise from top left: Stephanie Busiahn, Linsey Preuss, Hubble Were and Jen Kahler.

FAIRMONT– Four new Martin County residents have bee recognized as this year’s recipients of “4 Under 40.” They are Stephanie Busiahn, Linsey Preuss, Jen Kahler and Hubble Werre.

The program is just in its second year. Erik Karre, District Director for the Boy Scouts of America Twin Valley Action Council, said it serves as a way to recognize up-and-coming leaders in the county.

He said the idea for it came after some conversations he had with people in the community about whether anything was being done to recognize emerging leaders.

“People who maybe don’t have a lifetime of service to the community, but are doing things and haven’t been in the spotlight. Really there was nothing,” Karre shared.

He said he brought the idea to a group of people in the community and it was well-received.

“It’s a way to recognize up-and-coming leaders and also garner volunteer and financial support for local scouting in Martin County,” Karre said.

He said they accept nominations from people in the community.

“The only criteria for being nominated is they have to be between 18 and 40 and live or work in Martin County,” Karre explained.

They began taking nominations on the day of last year’s event, which took place in February of this year.

Karre said they received about 15 nominations this year, which was up from last year. There is a standing committee that works on the selection and Karre said this year they invited last year’s honorees to be a part of it.

They were Benjamin Landsteiner, Kaleena Wiens, Blake Potthoff and Laura Olsen.

Karre said he’s heard people say that they didn’t know who to nominate because they didn’t have a lifetime of service or a huge resume, but the point is to recognize people who have the potential.

“I think recognition is important in general because it helps people stay motivated and keeps encouraging them,” Karre said.

This year’s recipients include:

Busiahn is the Director of Fairmont Community Education and Recreation. She’s active in Fairmont Rotary Club, Martin County Historical Society and Fairmont Area Chamber of Commerce.

Preuss works as the Economic Development Coordinator for the city of Fairmont. She’s involved in a number of local programs, including Fairmont Rotary Club, Meals on Wheels and Elmore Soaring Eagles 4H Club.

Kahler is the Executive Director of Kinship of Martin County. She keeps busy with Fairmont Cross Country, Martin County Area Foundation and MERGE. She’s also a mentor with Kinship.

Werre is the Plant Manager of 3M Farimont. He’s also involved with Habitat for Humanity, Fairmont Rotary Club, First Lego League, United Way and a number of other organizations.

Karre said the hope is to add a new class of four individuals every year.

The recognition event is slated to take place at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 24 at Knights of Columbus Hall in Fairmont. Tickets are on sale now at twinvalleybsa.org/4under40.

Editor’s Note: the online version has been edited to include last year’s honorees.


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