
Ceylon talks auditor report

CEYLON — The Ceylon City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 13, began with an auditor’s report from Greg Burkhardt of Burkhardt and Burkhardt Auditors. He reported that the city was in good shape and was not non-compliant so no legal issues there. Two suggestions were to continue to review the financial reports and use the segregation of duties when possible. The other suggestion was to have monthly reports to ensure things were posted correctly. He explained that

the utility payments do not cover the operating cost and rates should be adjusted upward in small increments. The fitness center

was removed from reports since it has not had revenue for three years. The cash balances were good and expenditures were over budget some but most could be due to COVID issues. Fund balances are in good shape with no concerns except the rates are not high enough to cover operating expenses. When the new highway is built the utilities under the road will need a bond to help pay for repair and replacement. He mentioned that the COVID CARES monies may be used for infrastructure and grants will need to be applied for. He concluded that Ceylon is in better shape than some other smaller cities.

The regular meeting began with a discussion about new water meters and the meeting scheduled for next week. Due to COVID restrictions, the city employees could not enter homes. There was

a special meeting scheduled for April 27 to discuss water meters and broadband with representatives from considered companies


Contracts for companies employed by the city and employees such as electrician, plumber, and excavator were discussed and tabled for the May meeting.

The council approved a joint powers agreement with the state which is reviewed every five years. This gives the city some of the fines paid.

The Schultz property vacation of some of the streets by the old garage will be discussed at a public meeting at the May council meeting. A building permit was not needed since the resident was only replacing an existing foundation.

Raising ducks in the city limits was discussed and the council will look into the existing ordinance. This was tabled to the next meeting.

A request about the old city hall building was discussed and the mayor will discuss issues with the person requesting use of the whole building.

The council will discuss the first three sections of the ordinances at the next meeting. They also approved advertising for a grant writer for infrastructure projects.

The mud on the streets after the auction was discussed and a state street cleaner and the auctioneers will clean the streets. There is a plan to meet with the auctioneers.

A request for monthly reports of vacation and remaining sick leave for the city employees was given.

A request for a sign on Clark Street saying ‘children playing’ was given. The city employees will look to see if there is a sign already in the supplies.

The generator purchased from another city is being worked on. And a question about the owner of the Main Street property in non-compliance with ordinances was asked.

The council approved looking for bids for a market survey about building a senior living project in the city.

The May city council meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on May 13 at Ceylon City Hall.


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