
Play to be offered Jan. 24

SHERBURN — Grilled burgers will be served from 6-8 p.m. tonight at Sherburn American Legion Club. Everyone is welcome.


A “Lunch and Learn” event sponsored by CREST will be held 11 a.m. Thursday at Fairmont Evangelical Covenant Church, 901 Woodland Ave., in Fairmont. The guest speaker will be Meghan Kern from Minnesota State Services for the Blind. She will discuss “low vision.”

She will speak about various diseases that could lead to reduced vision, and also demonstrate devices that will assist anyone with vision problems. These devices are available from the state of Minnesota at no charge.

The program and catered lunch that will follow are provided by CREST free of charge to anyone who would like to learn more about reduced vision or blindness and those people who care for or assist them.


They will not have school at any of the Martin County West Schools on Friday because of a teacher workshop day.


A 65th wedding anniversary open house for Gene and Ione Cross will be 2-4:30 p.m. Saturday at Fairmont United Methodist Church. Gene and Ione are formerly from rural Sherburn but now live in Fairmont. They were married Jan. 18, 1953. All friends and relatives are invited to join them for this special anniversary celebration. They request no gifts, as your presence will be gift enough.


Sherburn American Legion Auxiliary invites everyone for a pancake breakfast from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday at Sherburn American Legion. Sherburn Lions will prepare and serve the pancakes. There will be a free will offering at the door. Proceeds from the breakfast will go toward Legion Auxiliary projects.


Martin County West all-band concert will be 7 p.m. Monday at the high school in Sherburn. The public is encouraged to attend.


MCW drama department will hold a free public performance of its one-act play 6 p.m. Jan. 24 at the Sherburn Theatre. This is a free performance and the community is invited to come and watch our local talent perform.

The play is entitled “The Boy who Stole the Stars,” a story about a young boy who visits his grandparents every summer and asks his grandfather to help with a school project of counting the stars.

Later this month, they will perform for a one-act competition at the Jackson Performing Arts Center.


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