Driving after revocation — Oscar E, P. Ochoa, 29, of Truman; fined $285.
Hands free-hold wireless communications device in one or both hands — Brook F. Parent, 52, of Ham Lake; fined $135.
Operate any vehicle carelessly on street or highway — Jeffrey R. Hiller, 44, of Wells; fined $185.
Challen A. Bena Hernandez, 24, of Bricelyn was convicted of driving while impaired-refusal to submit to a chemical test-blood or urine as required by search warrant; sentenced to jail 180 days, sentenced to jail 90 days, credit for time served 60 days, sentenced to jail 45 days, sentenced to jail 45 days, sentenced to correctional facility 36 months, stay for five years, supervised probation five years, follow all state and federal criminal laws, cooperate with the search of your person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by your probation officer, sign releases of information as directed, do not use or possess firearms, ammunition, or explosives, give a DNA sample when directed, obtain permission from agent before leaving the state, follow recommendations of evaluation, complete treatment, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, no drug paraphemalia, random testing, no entering bars or liquor stores or any establishment that has the sale of alcohol as its primary business, no driving without a valid driver’s license and insurance, attend MADD Impact Panel, driver improvement clinic, alcohol monitor. Also convicted of fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle; fined $29,279.10, sentenced to jail 180 days, sentenced to jail 90 days, credit for time served 60 days, sentenced to jail 45 days, sentenced to jail 45 days, sentenced to correctional facility 12 months and one day, stay for three years, supervised probation five years, follow all state and federal criminal laws, cooperate with the search of your person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by your probation officer, sign releases of information as directed, do not use or possess firearms, ammunition, or explosives, give a DNA sample when directed, obtain permission from agent before leaving the state, follow recommendations of evaluation, complete treatment, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, no drug paraphemalia, random testing, no entering bars or liquor stores or any establishment that has the sale of alcohol as its primary business, no driving without a valid driver’s license and insurance, attend MADD Impact Panel, driver improvement clinic, alcohol monitor. Received additional charges of first-degree assault-use of deadly force against peace officer/prosecutor/judge/correction employee, driving after cancellation-inimical to public safety, and first-degree damage to property-public utilities/common carrier; each dismissed.
Robert A. Larson, 50, of Good Thunder was convicted of first-degree driving while impaired-following previous driving while impaired conviction; fined $865, sentenced to jail 365 days, sentenced to jail 60 days, supervised probation five years, sentenced to correctional facility 50 months, stay for five years, sentenced to serve, home monitor 125 days for indeterminate, home monitor 100 days for indeterminate, home monitor 80 days for indeterminate, attend MADD Impact Panel, driver improvement clinic, follow recommendations of evaluation, complete treatment, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, no drug paraphemalia, random testing, no entering bars or liquor stores or any establishment that has the sale of alcohol as its primary business, do not buy or own a vehicle without a valid driver’s license and insurance, follow all state and federal criminal laws, cooperate with the search of your person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by your probation officer, sign releases of information as directed, do not use or possess firearms, ammunition, or explosives, give a DNA sample when directed, obtain permission from agent before leaving the state, electronic monitoring.
Crystal E. F. Sell, 46, of Wells was convicted of first-degree driving while impaired within 10 years of three more qualified prior impaired driving incidents; fined $940, sentenced to jail 180 days, sentenced to jail 90 days, credit for time served 60 days, sentenced to jail 45 days, sentenced to jail 45 days, sentenced to correctional facility 36 months, stay for five years, sentenced to service 40 hours for 90 days, supervised probation five years, follow all state and federal criminal laws, cooperate with the search of your person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, and things as directed by your probation officer, sign releases of information as directed, do not use or possess firearms, ammunition, or explosives, give a DNA sample when directed, obtain permission from agent before leaving the state, f0llow all recommendations of evaluation, complete treatment, no alcohol or controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no possession of alcohol or drugs with the exception of prescribed medication, random testing, no driving without a valid driver’s license and insurance, do not purchase or operate a motor vehicle without prior documented approval of the agent, attend MADD Impact Panel, complete DWI program, complete Driving With Care program, no entering bars or liquor stores or any establishment that has the sale of alcohol as its primary business, alcohol monitoring. Received an additional charge of driving after cancellation-inimical to public safety; dismissed.