Speeding — Ladonna M. Bosch, 42, of Barrington, Ill.; fined $125.
Ratul Saha, 44, of Schaumburg, Ill.; fined $145.
Seat belt required-driver and passenger must use — Ethan N. Anderegg, 25, of Eagle Lake; fined $110.
Wireless communications device-initiate/compose/send/retrieve/read electronic message — Loren C. Nerison, 55, of Austin; fined $135.
Unlicensed or inoperable vehicles — Veda Rain McCarthy, 28, of Ceylon; fined $135.
Driving after revocation — Duane A. Buchmeier, 53, of Sherburn; fined $285.
Speeding — Dalene I. Annen, 62, of Winnebago; Byron Petsch, 53, of Sun Prairie, Wis.; Sabrina K. Shahzad, 48, of Coon Valley, Wis.; Keidi Zagorcani, 33, of Glen Ellyn, Ill.; each fined $125.
Nicholas A. Poolman, 44, of Spirit Lake, Iowa; fined $225.
Seat belt required-driver and passenger must use — Michael K. Curtiss, 71, of Blue Earth; fined $110.
Hands free law-hold wireless communications device with one or both hands — Amber L. Vanderschaegen, 35, of Mankato; fined $135.
Open bottle violation-person over 18 (passenger) — Crystal J. Sanders, 46, of Blue Earth; fined $185.
Richard K. Dow, 40, of Lake Crystal was convicted of operate motor vehicle while under the influence of a controlled substance; fined $410, sentenced to jail 90 days, stayed 86 days for one year, credit for time served four days, one year supervised probation, contact probation officer as directed, complete and pay for comprehensive assessment within 60 days of sentencing and follow all recommendations in a timely manner, must sign all releases for assessor to obtain collateral information from assigned probation agent(s), assigned social worker(s) if any, mental health treatment provider(s) if any, relevant family/household members and recent treatment providers as part of their assessment, must successfully complete the level of treatment and aftercare recommended rather than choosing a lesser level of care, no alcohol/controlled substance use with the exception of prescribed medications, no alcohol/controlled substance possession with the exception of prescribed medications, random testing, attend MADD impact panel, follow all state and federal criminal laws, contact probation agent within 72 hours if charged with a new crime; are in contact with law enforcement; if changes address, employment, or telephone number, cooperate with search of person, residence, vehicle, workplace, property, etc. by probation officer, sign releases of information as directed. Also convicted of driving after revocation; fined $100. Also convicted of open bottle violation-person over 18 (passenger); fined $50.