



Speeding — Ian Michael Hatfield, 18, of Fairmont: Fined $125.

Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle — James Michael Lavalle, 46, of Fairmont: Fined $285.

No Minnesota Driver”s License — Mary Jane Parker, 19, of Wells: Fined $185.

Catherine Maxine Jensen, 56, of Truman was convicted of operating vehicle with expired registration: Fined $115. Also convicted of driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle: Fined $200.

Donald Eldon Lamont, 38, of St. Cloud was convicted of felony 5th degree-possess schedule 1,2,3,4-not small amount marijuana. Amended court decision 11/29/23-Sentenced to local confinement 180 days, stay 0 years 0 months 0 days credit for time served: 36 days. Serve as: Work Release (if eligible), sentence to serve (if eligible). Comment-And meets the jail’s qualifications. Commit to Commissioner of Corrections-MN correctional facility-St. Cloud, 15 months, stay for 5 years, 5 years supervised probation.

Alexis Jean Hagenow, 19, of Fairmont was convicted of careless driving: Fined $185. Other charges of obstruct legal process-interfere with peace officer, no MN registration (after 60 days residency) and suspended object were all dismissed.

Nicholas John Nelson, 43, of Farmington was convicted of speeding: Fined $135. Also convicted of driving after revocation: Fined $200. A third charge of no proof of motor vehicle insurance was dismissed.


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