
People and Events

Wednesday dinner at Huntley church

The Community Covenant Church in Huntley will have a community dinner from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. tonight, Wednesday, Jan. 8. The menu includes tater tot hot-dish, dinner roll, salad, and assorted desserts. A free-will donation is encouraged.

Winter Wonderland at the Fairmont Library

Join the Martin County Library in Fairmont from 10:30 am to noon on Saturday, Jan. 11 for an all-ages winter wonderland at the building. Bring your family down for various crafts and activities to chase away the winter blues. There is no cost to attend and pre-registration is not required. For additional information, contact the Martin County Library at (507) 238-4207.

Hospital retirees to meet Monday

Former staff of the Fairmont Community Hospital will hold their next lunch and gathering at 11 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 13 at The Ranch restaurant in Fairmont. All previous employees and retirees of the hospital are encouraged to attend.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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