
People and Events

Service Club to meet Tuesday

The Fairmont Service Club will hold its next weekly meeting noon Tuesday, April 9, at the Best Western in Fairmont. Featured speaker will be Tim Murray, Executive Director of Bravo Zulu House, who will talk about the all-military post-treatment sober home helping veterans with PTSD and addiction. Guests are always welcome. With questions, call Lorin Pollock at (507) 230-4800.

Human Rights Committee sets Thursday meeting

The Human Rights Committee of Martin County will meet 11 a.m. Thursday, April 11, at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 102 N. Park St. in Fairmont. Following guidelines from the nationally respected Minnesota Department of Human Rights, they strive to encourage respect and to maintain dignity for all the residencies of Martin County. Anyone is welcome to join them.

Class of 1962 to lunch

Fairmont High School class of 1962 spouses and friends will meet for lunch 11:30 a.m. Thursday April 11, at the Pizza Ranch in Fairmont. All classmates are encouraged to attend.

Soccer Association holding annual flower sales

It’s time to think Spring. Fairmont Soccer Association will be holding their annual flower sale which began March 15, and runs through Friday, April 19. You can order flowers and vegetables directly from the website, https://www.pahls.com/spring-fundraiser/?ref=108. Go to the Fairmont Soccer Association website or Facebook page for paper order forms. Flower pick up will be 9-11 a.m. Saturday, May 11, at the Martin County Arena, 1300 N. Bixby Rd., Fairmont. If you have any questions, fee, free to email fsaflowersales@hotmail.com or call Jodi Grapler at (507) 236-0471. Thank you for supporting Fairmont Soccer.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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